Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
La Sociologie Militaire
Emanuel Guittet, Julien Pomarede
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 11 May 2021
- 9781789978742
Les contributions re´unies dans cet ouvrage montrent les nombreuses e´volutions qui ont touche´ les arme´es au cours de la dernie`re de´cennie en France, notamment depuis leur professionnalisation. Nombre de transformations re´centes rede´finissent en effet leurs pe´rime`tres d'action, leurs liens au pouvoir politique, leurs modalite´s de recrutement, leurs moyens ope´rationnels, ainsi que le the´a^tre de leurs interventions dans le monde.
L'ouvrage actualise et renouvelle les approches comme les outils de connaissance du monde militaire. Il revient sur les enjeux classiques du champ d'e´tude de la sociologie militaire afin d'entretenir l'he´ritage intellectuel et scientifique constitue´ jusqu'ici, et montre les proble´matiques sociales et politiques actuelles qui la concernent au vu de toutes les transformations et adaptations de l'institution militaire dans la pe´riode re´cente. Il ouvre la voie a` des pistes de recherches originales s'appuyant sur les re´cents acquis des sciences sociales et politiques. -
Zivilisation der Seidenstraße
Hsin-Kang Chang
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 12 March 2024
- 9781433180927
In diesem Buch werden die historischen Ereignisse entlang der Seidenstraße von den Anfängen der vier Zivilisationen bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts in Hinblick auf die religise Verbreitung, die materielle Verbreitung und die Vlkerwanderung dargestellt.
Es zeigt die Rolle des zivilisatorischen Austauschs und die Bedeutung der gegenseitigen Toleranz für den menschlichen Fortschritt auf. -
Building Multispecies Resistance Against Exploitation
Anthony J. Nocella II
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 25 March 2024
- 9781636675626
This collection posits three questions. 1) What structures of violence and oppression are experienced and shared by human and nonhuman laborers working and dying in these necropolitical facilities? 2) If there is an intersection between class and species, which, in turn incorporates race, gender, abilities, and other categories of oppression, in which ways is the contemporary Animal Activist Nonprofit Sector (AANS) reifying or disrupting these hierarchies in its mission towards animal liberation? 3) If there are classist and racist biases in AANS, how can the AANS incorporate social class in dialogue with the liberation of nonhuman animals in order to build strategic alliances and coalitions between social movements and political subjects? This book not only envisions a world without these hierarchies but offer tangible steps the AANS can take to achieve liberation for human and nonhuman animals.
For the Love of Nature
Shirley R. Steinberg
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 20 March 2024
- 9781433199813
For the Love of Nature: Ecowriting the World brings together a series of essays that address the power and magic of writing about the natural world. The array of authors and locations, from Melbourne to Los Angeles to Rome, share their expertise in literacy and their passion for nature. They offer ideas and examples of ecowriting through various media and genres including videos, journals, letters, comic strips, poetry, and more. Their reflections on writing demonstrate a love of nature and concern for education that promotes social and environmental justice for students of all ages. The essays offer numerous examples for interacting with the environment. For the Love of Nature includes many entry points for ecowriting, from theoretical explanations to practical, step-by-step applications. The essays, student examples, lesson plans, and lists of resources provide everything a teacher needs to engage their students in reflecting on, participating with, and writing about the natural world.
This engaging collection posits the value of and need for instruction on ecowriting that fosters students' relationships with the natural world and an appreciation of Indigenous/Non-Western ecological perspectives. The book includes useful essays on teaching various types and genres of ecowriting, including the use of digital media productions such as video and multimodal essays. It also includes examples of students' essays, letters, and poems from Jeff Share's environmental justice class that illustrate the instructional methods described in the book. Therefore, this book is a useful resource for teachers to incorporate ecowriting into their teaching to engage students in creatively portraying their experiences with the natural world for having them address the need for action about the global climate crisis.
Richard Beach, Professor Emeritus of English Education,
University of Minnesota
Drawing upon Indigenous wisdom and critical pedagogy, For the Love of Nature: Ecowriting the World is both a call to action and an important resource for teaching, learning, and enacting environmental justice. The beautiful collection of essays is a must-read for all K-12 educators interested in advancing educational and climate justice to create a more sustainable and caring world for our present and our future.
Annamarie M. Francois, Ed.D. Executive Director Center X, UCLA -
Analysis of the Development of Beijing (2021)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 25 March 2024
- 9781636674773
This book provides an overview of notable developments Beijing saw in a broad range of areas in 2020, both by itself and as an integral part of a larger region, as China's economic development continues to improve in overall quality, and regional integration and coordination. The volume opens with two general reports on progress made in China's regional economic development and in Beijing's economy. The following ten chapters cover such timely topics as the digitalization of public services, social governance, cultural development, international communications, ecological governance and public opinion.
This book is a valuable source of reference for all those seeking to understand better the what, how, and why in relation to one of the world's largest and most important mega-cities. -
Internationale Regime im globalen Gesundheitsregieren
Jiyong Jin
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 25 March 2024
- 9781433190636
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Themen der globalen Public-Health-Governance, die für die ganze Welt von gemeinsamem Interesse sind. Es bietet eine chinesische Perspektive auf dem Bereich der Public-Health-Governance und dient als ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Forscher, die sich mit dem globalen Regieren und der ffentlichen Gesundheitssicherheit befassen. Basiert auf dem theoretischen Rahmen der Versicherheitlichung" und der globalen ffentlichen Güter nimmt das Buch die Rolle und Grenzen multilateraler internationaler Regime wie der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, der Welthandelsorganisation und des Übereinkommens über biologische Waffen im globalen Gesundheitsregieren als Ausgangspunkt und fasst die internationalen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ursachen für die unzureichenden Steuerungsfunktionen dieser internationalen Regime zusammen. Darüber hinaus werden die unermüdlichen Bemühungen Chinas zur Frderung der globalen Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitsbereich im Lichte der neuen Corona-Epidemie analysiert.
Voices of Pain, Cries of Silence
Gary D. Mole
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 20 March 2024
- 9781636676166
In this groundbreaking study of Francophone Jewish poetry of the Shoah, Gary D. Mole engages with an extensive corpus of poetry by more than forty poets, all of whom were active after the war in France, Belgium, Switzerland, or Quebec but who came originally from Eastern Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. Some were adolescents or adults during the war, either in hiding, interned or deported, first-hand witnesses to the Nazi persecution of European Jews. Others were hidden children, survivors writing of their buried traumatic experiences many years later. And a second-generation born after the war became postmemory proxy witnesses. Broadly chronological in approach, the book places the poetry in its various social, political, and historical contexts, underlines the specific geographical locations of the authors, and offers close thematic, formal, stylistic, and linguistic readings of the selected texts, highlighting some of the major aesthetic and ethical problems raised. Lucidly written, this book throws critical light, for scholars and nonspecialists, on a rich and unjustly neglected corpus, arguing convincingly for its inclusion in current debates on French-language literary representations of the Shoah and more widely in what is commonly referred to as "Holocaust Poetry."
"Voices of Pain, Cries of Silence is a comprehensive, lucid, and erudite study of Francophone Jewish poetry of the Holocaust. Unlike the work of English-language Holocaust poets, French-language verse has been until now largely ignored. By ensuring that Francophone Jewish poets are finally heard, Voices of Pain, Cries of Silence constitutes an important scholarly intervention in the study of Holocaust literature."
-Helena Duffy, Professor of French, University of Wroclaw, Poland
"An astonishing, comparative, comprehensive, and powerful scan of the various forms of poetic writing in French about the Shoah, never presented in this scope before, by authors belonging to a large variety of national and cultural backgrounds, providing the foundation of texts to be considered in future scholarship on poetry of the Shoah in other languages."
-Thomas Nolden, Professor of Comparative Literary Studies, Wellesley College, Mass -
Community, Identity, Conflict
Natalie Wynn
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 25 March 2024
- 9781787074859
«Natalie Wynn has written a definitive account of Irish Jewish history in the period of mass migration at the turn of the twentieth century. She unravels the myths-such as accidental arrival from eastern Europe, or untroubled social mobility as a model minority-which have hitherto characterized Irish Jews. Community, Identity, Conflict moves from detailed studies of local communities (Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Limerick) to the metropolitan and colonial contexts of minority formation. As Dr Wynn adeptly shows, the everyday ambivalence towards minorities in Irish culture is a centuries-old history which is still present today. Her meticulous and compelling study will be of value to Irish studies, Jewish studies, and anyone interested in the life experience of refugees.»
(Bryan Cheyette, Emeritus Professor, University of Reading, and author of The Ghetto: A Very Short Introduction (2020))
«Natalie Wynn has produced an outstanding contribution to the relevant literature. It dismantles established myths and opens up the field of Irish Jewish studies with a fresh, innovative interpretation, which sets new standards in scholarship.»
(Eugenio Biagini, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Cambridge)
As a small community located on the peripheries of Europe and of the Jewish world, Ireland's Jewish community is something of an outlier and is often portrayed as having a unique history or being quaint or quirky in character. This book challenges this narrative by contextualizing Irish Jewry as a community that has been defined by the experience and mythology of Jewish mass migration. This book charts the history of Ireland's Jewish community at a time of rapid growth and cultural, political and social transition, from British rule to Irish independence, exploring the relationship between Jews, Irish society and Irish Jewish communal tradition. Key themes include arrival and settlement; the dynamics between «native» and immigrant Jews; acculturation and hybridity; intracommunal conflict; gender; and Jewish/non-Jewish relations. -
Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry
Richard Haynes, Raymond Boyle
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 8 March 2024
- 9781433198168
Taking the global sport of Formula 1 (F1) motor racing as a sustained case study, Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry examines how the relationship between the sport and the media has evolved in this new digital environment. Starting with a map of the political economy of F1 and its complex commercial relationship with sponsors, investors, and the media, shows how new media owners have aimed to use social and digital media strategies to deepen the global reach of a television sport previously thought of by many as in decline.
Drawing on original interviews with key stakeholders across the media and sports industry, including journalists, broadcasters, and those working within F1, this book places the sport within its broader historical context, identifying the central role that the media, particularly television has played in its history, structure, and governance. This book also explores the range of media representations and key narratives that the sport offers and how its relationship with other television genres, such as the Netflix series Drive to Survive is impacting the nature of the sport and its audience.
As sport enters a new age of digital engagement, this investigation of the intense relationship between F1 and the creative industries shows us not just how the media are changing, but also that what we understand by the term "sport" is also being altered.
This is a penetrating case-study of media-sport relations in the context of major technical, cultural, and economic change. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Boyle and Haynes offer a hugely informative but also enjoyable account of the challenges and the opportunities surrounding Formula 1 as it undergoes inter-related shift s in the terms of its organization and in the scale and character of its media visibility. The authors get `inside' their topic with clarity and depth.
- John Corner, Professor of Communications, University of Leeds
Formula 1 has witnessed a huge transformation in recent years. Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry successfully unpicks the way in which the changing global media landscape has both shaped and communicated the sport's growth. Whether through the Netflix Effect or social media's ability to turn any fan into a pundit, influencer or content creator, this book explores the complex factors impacting the way in which the narratives and storylines around Formula 1 are built. Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry makes essential reading for any student of global sports media or Formula 1. Uniquely, it explains the media revolution which has taken place in one of world most sophisticated sporting competitions.
- Mark Gallagher, Formula 1 Executive and Managing Director, Performance Insights -
Shut Up and Listen
Chris Knaus
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 23 February 2024
- 9781636679990
Less than fifty percent of African American students graduate from high school. Their educational failure is built into the racial structure of curriculum, standardized testing, teacher preparation programs, and even teacher recruitment pathways. Shut Up and Listen argues that African American students should be taught to navigate and resist the racism perpetuated in every aspect of society and schools, and that to do so requires the development and expression of a culturally-rooted voice as a foundation for multicultural, multilingual, democratic communities. Shut Up and Listen focuses on the voices, perspectives, and experiences of urban African American students - and on their writing, to remind educators of the power of voice, and how far schools are from addressing the reality of racism.
Feminine Singular
Francis Lough
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 15 February 2017
- 9781787073012
Women have often chosen to tell their secrets, confide their dreams and express their deepest and most intimate thoughts in diaries, letters and other forms of life-writing. Although it is well established as a genre in the Anglophone and Francophone traditions, there has been very little publication of life-writing in the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds and even less scholarly criticism has appeared.
This collection of essays is the first volume to focus on the variety of women's life-writing in the Luso-Hispanic world. The authors analyse women who have written or expressed their sense of identity through diaries, autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, travel writing and poetry, as well as forms of visual art, examining how they represent themselves and others. The volume brings together critics and academics working in Europe and the Americas who are engaging with the work of women from different countries, produced in locations ranging from a sixteenth-century convent to a twenty-first-century kitchen. The book responds to a range of different literary genres as well as reaching beyond literature to analyse women's self-representation through painting, drawing and collage. -
Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression
Anthony J. Nocella II, Lea Kinikini
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 18 March 2024
- 9781433199745
Censorship, Digital Media and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression explores the rising global phenomenon of censorship across various media platforms, in schools, universities, and public spaces. It documents physical assaults, legal restrictions, and the exclusion of critical topics from public discourse. This volume analyzes contemporary censorship methods, emphasizing the anti-democratic implications and the threat to civil society, human rights, and global democracy. It delves into the dangerous consequences of suppressing dialogue, information dissemination, and educational materials, providing insight into the challenges faced by critical media literacy and activists. The book advocates for policy alternatives, including economic restructuring of media, global agreements on freedom of the press, and educational strategies to preserve global freedom of expression.
Intersectionality & Higher Education
Donald "DJ" Mitchell, Jr., Jakia Marie, Patricia Carver
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 18 March 2024
- 9781636678788
Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. Crenshaw, a scholar of law, critical race theory, and Black feminist legal theory, uses intersectionality to explain the experiences of Black women who-because of the intersection of their race, gender, and class-are exposed to exponential and interlocking forms of marginalization and oppression, often rendering them invisible. The third edition of Intersectionality & Higher Education: Theory, Research, & Praxis further documents and expands upon Crenshaw's articulation of intersectionality within the context of higher education. The text includes (a) theoretical and conceptual chapters on intersectionality; (b) empirical research and research-based chapters using intersectionality as a framework; and (c) chapters focusing on intersectional practices, all within higher education settings. The volume may prove beneficial for graduate programs in ethnic studies, higher education, sociology, student affairs, women and gender studies, and programs alike.
This is a vibrant and rigorous collection of essays that think about intersectionality in practice and as a practice. The essays think about intersectionality in the context of higher education, and imagine what it might mean to take seriously intersectionality's call to enact practices of inclusion and equity.
-Jennifer Nash, Jean Fox O'Barr Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and
Feminist Studies, Duke University
In times like these when the freedom to learn about truth and justice is under assault, this collection of essays is more important than ever. It illuminates the essential building blocks of intersectionality with care and insight, extends intersectionality into new and urgent territory given the changing landscape of higher education in the United States, and provides successful examples of how to put intersectionality into practice throughout the university.
-Leslie McCall, Presidential Professor of Sociology and Political Science,
The Graduate Center, City University of New York -
Bra Wars
Marie Audemard
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 18 March 2024
- 9781803741475
«Bold and engaging, a well-researched look at how clothes can simultaneously reveal and conceal.»
(Victoria Bateman, author of Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty)
Do you sometimes look at yourself and think, «I can't wear this without a bra - my nipples are showing»? Have you ever heard someone tell you that «you can't go out like that», after looking you up and down?
This book is a thought-provoking exploration of the double standards faced by women. Through personal stories and insightful analysis, it challenges Western societal norms and the pressure to conform. Delving into the complex interplay between femininity, bras and societal expectations, this empowering read invites individuals to redefine their understanding of what it means to be «decent» in a patriarchal society. -
L'acquisition des temps verbaux du passé chez les apprenants chinois du français langue étrangère
Zhang Xingzi
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 18 March 2024
- 9781636676531
Cette étude porte sur un corpus de récits écrits d'apprenants chinois du français première (FL2) et seconde langue étrangères (FL3) en milieu scolaire et de deux groupes témoins (locuteurs natifs du français et du chinois). Elle a trait à deux groupes d'apprenants de même L1 (le chinois) ayant des accès différents à la langue cible, le français (avec ou sans anglais L2). Les corpus témoins nous permettent de mieux comprendre comment le temps et l'aspect sont effectivement réalisés dans les langues maternelles respectives des locuteurs. Cet ouvrage vise à répondre aux questions suivantes : comment les apprenants chinois en FL2 et FL3 utilisent-ils les temps verbaux du passé à différents niveaux d'apprentissage ? Quels rôles jouent respectivement la L1 et la L2 dans l'apprentissage de la L3 ? L'analyse des données s'exerce sur les plans sémantique (l'hypothèse de l'aspect, Andersen & Shirai 1994) et fonctionnel (l'hypothèse du discours, Hopper 1979).
Engaging the Critical in English Education
Sj Miller, Leslie David Burns
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 13 November 2020
- 9781433160943
The chapters in this collection explore the implementation of social justice pedagogies with preservice teachers by members of the Commission on Social Justice in Teacher Education; a group of teacher educators from across the country whose primary goal is to prepare teachers to use socially just models to reach all groups of students and to create a more equitable educational system. In this collection, each member/author presents a critical model of social justice teaching by considering the ways in which gender, race, class, and other intersections function in the classroom. Individually, authors enact critical models by interrogating inequitable systems of oppression in their own professional and pedagogical environments. Collectively, the chapters ask what thoughtful, participatory social justice pedagogy looks like in multidimensional pedagogical spaces. At all levels, this collection explores the rewards and challenges of social justice pedagogy within and outside of preservice teacher preparation programs influenced by a constantly shifting political landscape. Ultimately, this collection seeks to discover how ideas of social justice are conceptualized and understood by English educators and K-12 teachers.
As a possible approach to this question, the chapters in this collection support ELATE-SJ's paradigm for advocacy. This paradigm includes three areas of enaction: research, scholarship, and action. Within these areas, members of the commission (authors) seek to better understand how preservice ELA teachers see themselves and others, to develop flexible teaching models grounded in social justice pedagogy (SJP), and to delineate opportunities for transformation, growth, and change in and through our profession. -
Black Immigrants in the United States
Awad Ibrahim, Ayanna Cooper
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 13 October 2020
- 9781433173943
In the United States, `immigrant' is a complicated category. It is used interchangeably with `refugee' and it is, most of the time, linked to South America, especially Latina/os. Black Immigrants in the United States is arguing that immigrants are not refugees and, whether coming from the Caribbean, Latin America or Africa, Black immigrants are oft-silenced in immigration studies and unsystematically researched. Being one of the first books on the topic in the United States, Black Immigrants in the United States is a crack, a verse in the syntax which links Blackness and immigration; a required reading for anyone who is interested in immigration generally and Black immigration in particular. For example, did you know that 12-13% of the statistically defined as African Americans are `Black immigrants' (both immigrants and refugees) (Ogunipe, 2011)? Out of this 12-13%, did you know the first and second-generation constitute 41% of Black first-year students in Ivy League? Black Immigrants in the United States is an attempt to answer these questions and paint a picture for this population, where they come from, what languages and histories they bring with them to the United States, and discusses their challenges as well as their triumphs. With this book, as children of migration ourselves, we are turning researching and writing about Black immigrants into acts of love and reading about them into an expression of jouissance.
Taiwan Sign Language Interpreting
Riccardo Moratto
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 23 November 2020
- 9781433180965
This book is the first monograph on interpreting issues related to Taiwan Sign Language (TSL). TSL is the language used amongst deaf communities in Taiwan. As far as interpreting from and into TSL is concerned, there are numerous issues and inadequacies to be tackled in terms of the professional identity and the services provided. Research on this issue is crucial because it aims at raising the self-awareness of TSL interpreters and the quality of the interpretation itself. The results of this research monograph have implications for sign language interpreting in regard to research, pedagogy and practice, insofar as they raise the awareness of one's own professional figure. This seems to be a crucial deontological factor in any discussion related to interpreting rights.
Playing Shakespeare's Monarchs and Madmen
Louis Fantasia
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 28 May 2020
- 9781433175244
Playing Shakespeare's Monarchs and Madmen is the third volume in the Peter Lang series, Playing Shakespeare's Characters. As in the previous volumes, a broad range of contributors (actors, directors, scholars, educators, etc.) analyze the concepts of monarchy, leadership, melancholy and madness with not only references to Elizabethan and Jacobean studies, but also to Trump, Brexit, cross-gender and multi-cultural casting. What does it mean to "play the king" in the 21st century? What is the role of an "all-licensed" Fool in the age of spin? Who gets to represent the power dynamics in Shakespeare's plays? This volume looks at the Henrys, Richards, Hamlets, Lears and various other dukes and monarchs and explores the ways in which men-and women-approach these portrayals of power and the lessons they hold for us today.
The Theatre of Martin McDonagh
Eamonn Jordan, Lilian Chambers
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 5 December 2019
- 9781788749565
With such plays as The Beauty Queen (1996), The cripple of Irishman (1997), The Lonesome West (1997), A skull in Connemara (1997), The Lieutenant of Irishmore (2001), and The Pillowman (2003) Martin McDonagh has made a huge reputation for himself internationally, winning multiple awards for his work and enjoying universal critical acclaim. Most recently, he won an Oscar for his short film, Six Shooter (2006).
This Collection of essays is a vital and significant response to the many challenges set by McDonagh for those involved in the production and reception of his work.
The volume brings together critics and commentators from around the world, who assess the work from a diverse range of often provocative approaches. What is not surprising is the focus and commitment of the engagement, given this controversial and stimulating nature of the work.
Whether for or against, this is an essential read for all who wish to enter the complex debate about Theatre of Martin McDonagh. -
Irish Literature
Tina O'Toole, Patricia Coughlan
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 9 April 2020
- 9781788749176
International in scope and based on primary research, this book gathers twelve new essays by critics including both well-established and newer voices. It aims to stimulate further enquiry, research and critical reflection, in sceptical, analytic or celebratory modes, on the riches of Irish literary texts and traditions. The collection discusses texts from the early 18th century to the present. It also addresses those meta-narratives by which we understand and mediate these riches for contemporary and future use. The cumulative effect is to call into question, often in new contexts, master narratives of Irish studies. Some essays focus on the aesthetic - a vital category of discussion about a national literature - and its interweaving with ideological purposes. Others concentrate on different phases of the retrieval of women's texts previously occluded by gender bias in canon formation. A central theme is the need to renegotiate the relations of feminism with nationalism and to transact the potential contest of these two important narratives, each possessing powerful emancipatory force. Irish Literature: Feminist Perspectives contributes incisively to contemporary debates about Irish culture, gender and ideology.
The Informer
Thomas Murphy
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 8 April 2020
- 9781788749091
The Informer, Tom Murphy's stage adaptation of Liam O'Flaherty's novel, was produced in the 1981 Dublin Theatre Festival, directed by the playwright himself, with Liam Neeson in the leading role.
The central subject of the play is the quest a character at the point of emotional and moral breakdown for some source of meaning or identity. In the case of Gypo Nolan, the informer of the title, this involves a nightmarish progress through a Dublin underworld in which he changes from a Judas figure to a scapegoat surrogate for Jesus, taking upon himself the sins of the world. A cinematic style, with flash-back and intercut scenes, is used rather than a conventional theatrical structure to catch the fevered and phantasmagoric progression of Gypo's mind. The language, characteristically for Murphy, mixes graphically colloquial Dublin slang with the haunted inarticulateness of the central character groping for the meaning of his own actions. The dynamic rhythm of the action builds towards an inevitable but theatrically satisfying tragic catastrophe. -
Social Networks
Susan B. Barnes
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 30 June 2013
- 9781453910290
This book won the Erving Goffman Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Social Interaction 2014 Technological changes have radically altered the ways in which people use visual images. One such impact has been the transformation of computer-mediated-communication (CMC) into social networking. With a focus on social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Second Life, and YouTube, this book describes the theoretical and historical background of computer-mediated communication alongside the cultural changes occurring with the introduction of digital media in society. Designed for students, this text introduces CMC terminology, methods for analyzing online exchanges, and theories on the relationship between CMC, social networks, and culture. By exploring both the meanings associated with CMC and social networks, and the relationship of CMC to culture, the goal of this text is to provide students with methods to better understand the socially-oriented world in which they live and to understand the characteristics that make social networks successful. Special features including terms, examples, CMC theory, and suggestions for student exercises.
Authors in Dialogue
Franco Marucci
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 22 May 2020
- 9781789976007
This book gathers together essays and papers written over a time span of around fifteen years. Partly retitled and revised, they were selected for the book because they all focus on the dialogic element in a series of literary works produced in the period extending from late Romanticism to early Modernism. By «dialogic» the author means the sharing of common preoccupations, the recursiveness of motifs, themes and patterns, the emergence of constants, a network of explicit or hidden confrontations. Dialogues may then arise between an author and other contemporaries in the form of an explicit theoretical discussion in letters or critical essays; or implicitly, and allusively, in inventive negotiations that respond to previous works through parody or adaptation. After a concise introduction stating the author's theoretical debt to the insightful theories of the Russian semiotician and typologist Yuri Lotman, single essays discuss Byron, Ruskin, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Hopkins, Ouida, Joyce and T. S. Eliot.