Ansel Adams
Ces quatre carnets de fabrication soignée (reliure Singer, marquage à chaud, impression offset) reprennent en all-over de la première à la quatrième de couverture les magnifiques panorama de l'Ouest américain au début du vingtième siècle par Ansel Adams.
Ces quatre carnets de fabrication soignée (reliure Singer, marquage à chaud, impression offset) reprennent en all-over de la première à la quatrième de couverture les magnifiques panorama de l'Ouest américain au début du vingtième siècle par Ansel Adams.
Ces quatre carnets de fabrication soignée (reliure Singer, marquage à chaud, impression offset) reprennent en all-over de la première à la quatrième de couverture les magnifiques panorama de l'Ouest américain au début du vingtième siècle par Ansel Adams.
Ansel Adams : 400 photographs
Ansel Adams, Andrea G. Stillman
- Little Brown Us
- 8 November 2013
- 9780316400794
A visual celebration of the eminent photographer's most significant works collects four hundred chronologically arranged, essay-complemented pieces, from his first landscapes of Yosemite and the High Sierra in 1916, to his depictions of national parks in the 1940s, to his last achievements from the 1960s. 125,000 first printing.
The noted photographer provides detailed descriptions of the basic equipment of photography, discussing the major camera formats and techniques for using that equipment creatively.
Samples of the author's works serve to illustrate his procedures for processing, enlarging, toning, and mounting black-and-white photographs
An unprecedented showcase of four hundred essential photographs taken by Ansel Adams, documenting his growth as an artist from 1916 to 1968.
Ansel Adams : A national park series
Ansel Adams
- Acc Art Books
- Abbeville Press
- 1 July 2020
- 9780789212993
The invitation to photograph the nation's parklands was the perfect assignment for Adams, as it allowed him to express his deepest convictions as artist, conservationist, and citizen. These stunning photographs of the natural geysers and terraces in Yellowstone, the rocks and ravines in the Grand Canyon, the winding rivers and majestic mountains in Glacier and Grand Teton national parks, the mysterious Carlsbad Caverns, the architecture of ancient Indian villages, and many other evocative views of the American West demonstrate the genius of Adams' technical and aesthetic inventiveness.
In these glorious, seminal images we see the inspired reverence for the wilderness that has made Ansel Adams' work an enduring influence on environmentalism as well as art. -
Ansel Adams in the national parks : photographs from America's wild places
Ansel Adams
- Little Brown US
- 22 October 2010
- 9780316078467
Presents more than two hundred of the noted photographer's works capturing America's national parks and wilderness areas, including fifty that have never before been published, accompanied by original essays, commentary on the photographs, and quotations from Adams.
The early chapters are devoted to a discussion of light, film and exposure. What follows is a detailed discussion of the zone system, in which Adams had an early pioneering role, chapters on natural and artificial light and at the end of the book is an extensive chapter on the darkroom.
C'est en 1928, à l'occasion de la sortie annuelle du Sierra Club dans les Rocheuses Canadiennes, qu'Ansel Adams se joint pour la première fois à cette organisation de protection de l'environnement en tant que photographe officiel. Les splendides images de ce trek ambitieux, dans lesquelles transparaît l'émotion des débuts, marqueront le début de sa longue carrière de photographe.
This title contains 50 of Ansel Adams' finest photographs of trees along with excerpts of poems and prose from international writers.