- Springer (32)
- Dominique et compagnie (3)
- Collectif Liberté (1)
- Collectif d'analyse politique (1)
- Editions L'Harmattan (1)
- Eyrolles (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Albert Morancé) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Théâtre ouvert) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (École régionale d'architecture de Strasbourg) (1)
- Éditions Jouvence (1)
- Éditions Les Malins (1)
Jean Danis
44 produits trouvés
La méditation pleine présence ; les sept voies d'accés à la chaleur humaine
Danis Bois, Isabelle Eschalier
- Eyrolles
- 2 May 2019
- 9782212155167
La méditation pleine conscience, popularisée par Matthieu Ricard, jon Kabat-Zinn ou encore le psychiatre Christophe André, est entrée dans les moeurs et fait partie de notre paysage quotidien. Dans nos vies stressées et accélérées, elle est un véritable appel d'air.
Le chercheur Danis Bois et Isabelle Eschalier proposent dans cet ouvrage de découvrir une nouvelle forme de méditation, qui enrichit la pleine conscience en intégrant la dimension corporelle et la qualité relationnelle de la présence. L'expérience vécue dans la méditation pleine présence révèle tout un univers de chaleur intérieure, qui réchauffe le coeur et se diffuse à l'ensemble du corps. Elle nous oriente vers une humanité plus incarnée dans laquelle l'homme devient plus présent à lui-même, à autrui et au monde. Elle mobilise ce qu'il y a de plus grand dans l'homme.
Ce livre très pratique vous aidera ainsi à découvrir la méditation pleine présence et à emprunter les sept voies d'accès à la chaleur humaine :
renouer le contact avec le silence ;
cultiver la présence à soi ;
honorer pleinement sa vie ;
retrouver l'estime de soi ;
investir le sens de la vie ;
se préserver du stress et de l'anxiété ;
cultiver, recueillir et partager la chaleur humaine.
Préface de Pierre Rabhi. -
Saperlifourchette !
Roxane Turcotte, Lucile Danis Drouot
- Dominique et compagnie
- Papa et moi
- 4 May 2018
- 9782897850258
« Adam, mange avec ta fourchette, saperlipopette! » C'est ce que me répète papa. Moi, je préfère plonger mes doigts dans la purée de pommes de terre. C'est doux et tiède. Et pour engouffrer une énorme portion, c'est la meilleure façon.
L'album Saperlifourchette! explore avec humour et poésie l'apprentissage de la propreté à table.
Quand Adam se bat à la fois contre sa fourchette et contre son papa qui aimerait bien le voir se tenir comme un grand, cela donne un album pas du tout moralisateur et très rigolo, dans lequel on sent aussi toute l'affection d'un parent pour son enfant. -
Desserts québécois : 150 recettes qu'on aime !
Marie-pascale Danis
- Éditions Les Malins
- 30 September 2021
- 9782898102004
Vous cherchez des recettes de desserts bien de chez nous? Desserts québécois comblera vos plus grandes attentes! Cet ouvrage regroupe 150 recettes de desserts typiques du Québec: grands-pères à l'érable, tarte aux pacanes, gâteau au fromage, roulés au bleuets du Lac-Saint-Jean et bien sûr, beignes traditionnels... Vous en aurez certainement l'eau à la bouche!
L'équipe des Malins a même mis la main à la pâte pour vous offrir «Les recettes Malines»! -
L'épopée du diamant du sang en Afrique ; un creuseur zaïro-congolais à Lunda Norte
Damien danis Mbiki, Emmanuel guidon Mbiki
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Mémoires lieux de savoir
- 9 October 2015
- 9782296182592
La province diamantifère de Lunda Norte, en Angola, touche la province de Bandundu, en RDC. En 1992, l'UNITA (alliée de Mobutu) contrôle Lunda Norte et recrute des bras pour la prospection fluviale du diamant que Savimbi échange contre des armes. Le narrateur fait partie de cette vague venue trouver fortune à Lunda Norte. Durant 3 années (1994-1997), il s'échine sous la férule d'une UNITA avide d'accaparer les "diamants du sang" et note discrètement les événements quotidiens.
L'abeille qui bourdonne
Lucile Danis Drout, Mélissa Jacques
- Dominique et compagnie
- Drôles de bêtes
- 27 September 2023
- 9782898500473
Petite abeille cherche sa reine. Mais où est-elle?
Bourdonne avec elle pour l'aider à trouver la reine des abeilles. -
Eurasian Business Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Sofia Vale
- Springer
- 1 March 2021
- 9783030650858
This book gathers selected theoretical and empirical papers from the 29th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Lisbon, Portugal. Covering diverse areas of business and management in various geographic regions, it highlights the latest research on human resources, management and marketing, among other topics. It also includes related studies that address marketing and management-relevant aspects such as the impact of supervisor support on employee performance through work engagement, the standardization of global logistics business operations, elements to support long-term B2B communication, and omni-channel strategies in the Marketing 4.0 paradigm.
Eurasian Economic Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir
- Springer
- 28 September 2020
- 9783030535360
This book presents selected papers from the 26th and 27th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conferences, held in Prague, Czech Republic, and Bali, Indonesia. While the theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of economics and finance in various geographic regions, the main focus is on the latest research concerning banking and finance, as well as empirical studies on emerging economies and public economics. The book also includes studies on political economy and regional studies.
Les Nuages de Terre
Daniel Danis
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Théâtre ouvert)
- Tapuscrit
- 12 November 2015
- 9782402028554
Sur l'île de Mahaguïrdok, il y a les femmes et leurs pieds mutilés, harnachés de sabots à clochettes ; tradition que les Anciens refusent d'abandonner. Fleurée et Gabié, amoureux et rétifs, s'insurgent contre la barbarie. Collyre, l'ami d'enfance, aveuglé par sa soif de pouvoir, mène la révolte avec force, jusqu'à la mort. Ainsi, la légende, cruelle et magnifique, transfigure un symbole d'oppression en promesse d'avenir, une légende pétrie de poésie violente que Daniel Danis, après Cendres de Cailloux et Celle-là, semble puiser au plus profond de lui-même.
Eurasian Economic Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Mehmet Huseyin Can
- Springer
- 28 December 2017
- 9783319679167
This volume presents selected papers on recent management research from the 20th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, which was held in Vienna in 2016. Its primary goal is to showcase advances in the fields of public economics, regional studies, economic development and inequality, and economic policy-making. Reflecting the contemporary political climate, many of the articles address the effectiveness, relevance and impact of European Union policies. In addition, the volume features empirical research from less-researched countries such as Kazakhstan, the Republic of Macedonia, Belarus, and Lithuania, among others.
Eurasian Business Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 31 October 2017
- 9783319679136
This volume presents selected papers on recent management research from the 20th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, which was held in Vienna in 2016. Its primary goal is to showcase advances in the fields of accounting, auditing, marketing, and human resources in emerging economies. This volume is unique in its special focus on empirical research perspectives from countries such as Lithuania, Russia, and the Visegrád Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), among others.
Empirical Studies on Economics of Innovation, Public Economics and Management
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Mehmet Huseyin Can
- Springer
- 6 March 2017
- 9783319501642
This volume presents selected papers from the 18th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, with major emphasis placed on highlighting the latest research developments in the economics of innovation, public economics, and management. The articles in the volume also address more specialized topics such as luxury fashion, weather derivatives, health management, islamic bonds, and life satisfaction, among others.
The majority of the articles focus on phenomena observed in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and South Asia, representing a unique contribution to understanding contemporary research challenges from a different perspective. -
Innovation, Finance, and the Economy
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Mehmet Huseyin Lau
- Springer
- 15 May 2015
- 9783319158808
The first volume of the Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, the official proceedings series of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES), includes selected papers from the 13th EBES Conference held in Istanbul in 2014. This volume covers theoretical and empirical contributions in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, HR, banking and finance. An eclectic set of methodologies and contributions from experts across the World makes this volume a valued work of reference. This volume also provides a timely opportunity to colleagues, professionals and students to catch up with the most recent studies in different fields and empirical findings on many countries and regions.
Business Challenges in the Changing Economic Landscape - Vol. 1
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 29 October 2015
- 9783319225968
This book is the first of the two volumes featuring selected articles from the 14th Eurasia Business and Economics conference held in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2014. Peer-reviewed articles in this first volume present latest research breakthroughs in the areas of Accounting, Corporate Governance, Finance and Banking, Institutional and International Economics, and Regional Studies. The contributors are both distinguished and young scholars from different parts of the World.
Recent Advances in Rock Magnetism, Environmental Magnetism and Paleomagnetism
Danis Nurgaliev, Valery Shcherbakov, Andrei Kosterov, Simo Spassov
- Springer
- 14 August 2018
- 9783319904375
This book offers a collection of papers presented in the International Conference on Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism held in Kazan (Russia) in October 2017. Papers in this book are dedicated to the study of the geomagnetic field through most of the Earth's history as well as planetary and meteorite magnetism, and magnetic signatures of terrestrial impact craters. Recent studies, summaries, and reviews include: 1 - theory of the geomagnetic field, its generation and variations; 2 - experimental data on the geomagnetic field changes; 3 - studies of rock magnetism; 4 - paleotectonic reconstructions and paleoceanography; 5 - magnetostratigraphy; 6 - extraterrestrial magnetism. Summary reports and reviews will be presented by the world's leading experts in the field of geomagnetic studies. Such workshops held by Academic Council have become traditional. They are always attended by leading professionals from Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries. In addition to discussion sessions focused on recent studies and findings, lectures on some basic concepts of geomagnetism will be delivered by leading Russian and foreign scientists
Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics - Vol. 1
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis
- Springer
- 18 March 2016
- 9783319275703
This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business
and Economics focuses on latest results from entrepreneurship and SME research,
Human Resources, along with a focus on the Tourism industry. The first part
deals with topics ranging from entrepreneurial intentions, social
entrepreneurship and technological entrepreneurship to EU policies such as the 7th
Framework program. Bridging the themes, the second part on Human Resources and
General Management deals with human capital issues, labor force education,
employer branding and aligning HR practices to knowledge management outcomes. The
third part in particular concentrates on the tourism industry in exploring
innovative marketing strategies, WEB 2.0 Challenges, tourism product
innovation, and success in international markets. -
Business Challenges in the Changing Economic Landscape - Vol. 2
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 3 November 2015
- 9783319225937
This book is the second of the two volumes featuring selected articles from the 14th Eurasia Business and Economics conference held in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2014. Peer-reviewed articles in this second volume present latest research findings and breakthroughs in the areas of General Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, SMEs, and Entrepreneurship. The contributors are both distinguished and young scholars from different parts of the World.
Regional Studies on Economic Growth, Financial Economics and Management
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 13 April 2017
- 9783319541129
This volume presents selected papers from the 19th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference held in Istanbul. Its primary emphasis is on showcasing the latest empirical research on social change, sustainable development and the management of public and private organizations in emerging economies. The respective articles also address more specialized and related topics such as financial risk tolerance, international strategic partnerships, female labor force participation, human capital dynamics, and economic integration, among others.
Country Experiences in Economic Development, Management and Entrepreneurship
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 9 November 2016
- 9783319463193
This volume brings together selected papers from the 17th EBES Conference, organized in Venice in winter 2015. The theoretical and empirical papers present the latest research in diverse areas of business, economics, and finance from many different regions. They chiefly focus on the interactions between economic development, entrepreneurship and financial institutions, especially putting the spotlight on cross-country evidence. Topics range from women's entrepreneurship and economic regulation, to sustainability and climate change. This book provides researchers, professionals, and students a great opportunity to catch up on the latest studies in different fields and empirical findings on many countries and regions.
Financial Environment and Business Development
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 16 August 2016
- 9783319399195
This volume focuses on the latest findings concerning financial environment research and the effects on business. Major topics addressed range from finance-driven globalization, contagion risk transmission, financial sustainability, and bank efficiency, to oil price shocks and spot prices research. Further topics include family business, business valuation, public sector development and business organization in the globalized environment.
This book features selected peer-reviewed articles from the 16th EBES conference in Istanbul, where over 270 papers were presented by 478 researchers from 56 countries. -
Consumer Behavior, Organizational Strategy and Financial Economics
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 30 March 2018
- 9783319762883
This volume presents selected articles from the 21st Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, which was held in Budapest (Hungary) in 2017. The theoretical and empirical papers in this volume cover various areas of business, economics, and finance from a diverse range of regions. In particular, this volume focuses on the latest trends in consumer behavior, new questions in the development of organizational strategy, and the interaction of financial economics with industrial economics and policy.
Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Geological Interpretation of Gravitational, Magnetic and Electric Fields
Danis Nurgaliev, Natalia Khairullina
- Springer
- 1 February 2019
- 9783319976709
This volume offers an overview of the state-of-the-art theoretical and practical approaches currently used for geophysical data interpretation. It includes new methods and techniques for solving data processing problems, and an analysis of geopotential fields by international researchers. It discusses topics such as:
1. Theoretical issues of interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields, including general methods of interpreting potential fields and other geophysical data.
2. Modern algorithms and computer technologies for interpretating geophysical fields.
3. The study of Earth deep structure using terrestrial and satellite potential field anomalies.
4. Geological interpretation of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields.
This proceedings book is of interest to all geophysical researchers.
Eurasian Economic Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can
- Springer
- 3 April 2019
- 9783030118334
This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 22nd Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference in Rome. It gathers scholarly contributions on the latest applied economics research from developing countries such as Croatia, Poland, the Baltic and ASEAN countries, which tend to be underrepresented in the current literature. Both the theoretical and empirical papers in this volume cover diverse areas of economic research from various regions. The main focus is on sharing the latest findings on empirical industrial organization, in particular the economics of innovation, regional economic development dynamics, and banking sector reforms in developing countries.
Eurasian Economic Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Uchenna Tony-Okeke
- Springer
- 27 June 2020
- 9783030485313
This book gathers selected papers from the 28th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Coventry, United Kingdom. While the theoretical and empirical papers presented cover diverse areas of economics and finance in various geographic regions, the main focus is on the latest research concerning the economics of innovation, finance and macroeconomics. The book also includes regional studies.
Eurasian Business Perspectives
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Uchenna Tony-Okeke
- Springer
- 27 June 2020
- 9783030485054
This book gathers selected theoretical and empirical papers from the 28th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Coventry, United Kingdom. Covering diverse areas of business and management in various geographic regions, it highlights the latest research on human resources, management and marketing, among other topics. It also includes related studies that address management and marketing aspects such as telecommuting versus the traditional work environment, the effect of value congruence, promoting product characteristics using social media, perception of terrorism risks, and personal innovativeness and employability.